Saturday, December 11, 2010

Response post to Nawara

This is a response to Nawara's post, You're Beautiful, Know Matter What They Say, which I found interesting and is actually true:
I don’t know why people assume it's fine to critize people's appearance to they world, why do they think it's okay? … Back where my parents are from, Eritrea, there are two types of people: Adults and Kids. I believe this "teenage" generation is just all in our heads. American's psychotically made this up. These “teenage” groups of people were created to increase America's wealth, economically. That is all.”
          I agree with Nawara. Due to greed, we put others down. In television and internet, we show images of skinny people, saying that by purchasing some products, we can be like them. We all want to be pretty so we can get someone to like us but being pretty on the outside won't help if we aren't pretty on the inside. Everyone is beautiful, no one is ugly. Those who thinks that someone is ugly is ugly themselves. Prettiness is just a term, like a cage, that we put around ourselves. The meaning of beautiful and pretty varies from people to people. In some cultures, fat is defined as beauty.
          I think that companies used us to help them profit. They only care about money. They don't care about their customers' health; they only care whether or not they will buy it. Having these impossible images as our goal, we began to do what others do and act like how others act. We are individuals for a reason and that is not to copy others like monkey see monkey do. I think that we all try hard to be someone else. Everyone is pretty no matter what others say. I think that we should spend our time and money on perfecting ourselves instead of copying others. No one is ugly in this world. Pretty clothes, pretty style pretty skin, it doesn't define who we are. What we do and our decisions define us. Our identities aren't always necessarily about looks. I know it's repetitive, but our identities are who we are inside, not what we look like. We are all humans so of course, we will look the same. We don't need to be so skinny that our health would be at risk. 

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