Friday, December 17, 2010

Response Post to Kristine

I found this in Kristine’s post, What Has Society Come To?:
“Whether someone is gay, lesbian, bisexual or anything else, they are still human beings. Nothing can change that. America is supposedly the country in which anyone is accepted and anyone has the same rights as everyone else. But look at where we are. Look at all the people around you anyone you know who has a different sexual orientation than the "norm" of society. They are not getting the rights they deserve. They fight and fight with everything they have in them and they are being neglected because they are different.”
I agree with this issue because America is where people go to start a new life or to find a better life but instead, they faced discrimination. America is the land of freedom from the Whites who ran away from England in order to seek new lives, but other than that, it isn’t freedom for anyone else. Many people are discriminated by their gender, race, religion, and many other things. Although America did change to how it is now, discrimination is still here. It’s like a new factor that makes America. Because America is a mix of cultures, people would compete to see who’s better. African American was once discriminated, and even when they still are, many other races are being discriminated against due to the prejudice.
            I think that people should stop putting others down because difference is the one factor that helped us survived as a species. We can’t help the fact that we are different because of geography. We have to change in order to adapt to the environment as us. We also couldn’t communicate with each other around the world before technologies existed so different thoughts are bound to happen. We are all individuals who may think alike with some group of people but also think differently with other groups of people. I think that we should all just accept the difference and deal with it. It’s not like we are a different species just because we act, think, or dress differently. We have different perspectives and it is an advantage in some situations.

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