Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ender's Game Response Part 2

           In our discussion, we discussed about “Ender's Game” Orson Scott Card, and about the monitor in that the government installed in Ender's neck. We debated about how the I.F., or International Fleet, was able to hear about the fight and went to Ender's house even though they took the monitor away from Ender. A brief summary of this book is that it takes place in the future where many technologies have greatly evolved. Kids have monitor in them when they were born. The monitor connects to the brain, so that the government can observe how they think and their view. If the government thinks that they were capable enough, they will be sent to space in a battle school, to train to be a future commander. This is what happened to Ender. His older siblings, Peter, the oldest, and Valentine, the second oldest, had monitors on them and they showed great potentials. Having more than two kids is breaking the law, but because Peter and Valentine showed great potentials, the government allowed that family to have a third child. Ender was the third child and he was nicknamed Third. His classmates doesn't like him and even Peter, his own sibling, doesn't like Ender.
           Ender grew up isolated and only receiving love from his sister, Valentine. Valentine became so precious to him. After his monitor was taken off from him, Ender didn't have the government's protection anymore because they won't see what will happen to him. He went to school as a normal kid, but the other kids hate him. Hate, will of course lead to bullying. Ender, when he was finally able to go to school, encountered some bullying. He attacked Stilson and continue to attack for self defense and also to prevent future bullying. With no monitor on Ender, the government doesn't know if the kids bullied Ender and if Ender beat them up. But the thing that was in question for our discussion was whether they took the monitor off him or not. If the government really did take it all off, then they wouldn't know about the fight. A normal fight at school will be dealt with from the school but having the I.F. Going to Ender's house was really suspicious.

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