Friday, November 5, 2010

Response to Shiyun's blog on appearance

     I think that appearance does matter. It is part of the factor that will create a first impression from people. Image is not everything but it is something that many people will judge you on. Although this is something that cannot change, i agree with Shiyun's comment on appearances
  "Out community is filled with people that think about this everyday. They would either look at the mirror and say they they are "ugly" or "fat" about themselves even though they are already gorgeous. To me I don't think that appearance matters a lot to me and I would not judge someone without getting to know them first. I don't think people like you just because you are skinny, but rather it is your personality that really matters. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. [...] I want to tell them that you look fine the way you are."
     I do agree that many people put themselves down but that is only because they saw someone who they is super pretty than them. The media is the reason why people care so much about appearances. The media create standards of a certain image of beauty and those people not in that standard are ugly. The magazines and advertisements are also at fault too. They create a standard of beauty that is impossible to follow and brain wash people to make the people believe that they can also be at that standard of beauty by using the company's products.
     These selfish desires for money are killing our society because the continuous increase of the impossible standard of beauty makes everyone so obsess with their image. Americans wouldn't be so obsessed with image if no one would come out looking underweight saying that they are the definition of beauty. Shiyun mentioned it on her post about there is no true definition of beauty and I agree with it. Beauty is defined through perspective. A person can be ugly to one's perspective but an angel in another's perspective. Skinny is not the definition for beauty. It is the definition for anorexia and can lead to death. It is not a race to be as skinny as possible so that they can look like a skeleton.

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