Friday, October 29, 2010

reflective essay

During this quarter, I have written many blog posts. There were many available ways for writing it, yet thinking of ideas and what the blog posts lead to writer’s block. Writer’s block is so common among students and it can be frustrating. My struggles with writer’s block are an inspiration to help get new ideas for my blog posts.
In the beginning of writing my posts, many ideas come to me. It was so hard trying to organize these ideas and trying to make sure it is written on paper just in case I forget it. Writer’s block can happen at any moment without warning and it sucks because it makes me lose my motivation to write and my mind goes blank. Writer’s block is defined as a usually temporary condition in which a writer finds it impossible to proceed with the writing of a novel, play, or other work by It is the most frustrating moment in writing because it makes me want to rewrite everything and makes me think that my ideas are stupid.
I have writer’s block every time I try to type all my ideas down too quick. I would forget some of my ideas and my ideas get mixed up with one another that it got too confusing to me. My mistake that got me stuck while typing is rushing. Rushing got me stuck on my ideas and
One pattern that I realize about my writer’s block is that I have the feeling that I need to write the blog immediately without revision. This leads to forgetting my ideas and creating confusion. Once I forgot even one of my ideas, my whole mind went blank, making me forgetting more and more. This was the beginning of my writer’s block where my mind goes completely blank and I had no idea what I’m writing and the purpose of writing it.
            Writer’s block helps me think of new ideas. My response posts are all agreements and disagreement on other people’s posts. This led me to writer’s block because it repeats ideas and my blog would become a repetitive blog with almost the same ideas as the post that I am trying to respond to. An example would be my response to Amber Chan’s post:
"This is basically the definition for asking questions in class. Asking questions in class means clarification as well as helping classmates clear their confusion. It is also another way to practice talking in a group of people except not in front of them. It builds confidence in talking and it benefits the person who's asking because it means that they will do well with whatever they asked a question about."
This is one of the many struggles I had with writer’s block. I was basically agreeing with Amber and rewording some ideas and adding only a few ideas in. This builds my frustration and when I don’t want to look at my post over, I would give up to writer’s block and wait a while before continuing my post. This gets annoying sometimes because I wanted to immediately finish my post and do something else. Rushing, in the end, made my blog post repetitive and very confusing for people to understand while reading.
            One way to rid myself of writer’s block is to reread what I have typed. This gives me new ideas because not all of my blogs are response posts. Revising my blogs, even if I am not finished with it, it gives me a sense of what my ideas are, what I forgot, and add new ideas that I have never thought of before. It wasn’t so hard forming new ideas because while reading the sentence, there’s always an idea that links to another topic and this helps me continue writing and getting past writer’s block.
            One example would be the video game response. I was planning on disagreeing with the movie but then I had writer’s block and ended up writing about the obstacles that the games create will face:
"Moreover, because Mr. Sutherland explained one of the games from the video, I have an understanding that the game only requires focus rather than moving the mouse or clicking which doesn't sound really fun. The only result from the game was our experience from pretending a scenario. The prime factor that causes gamers to continue playing games is the fighting or challenge in the games. In video games, we would become motivated to finish playing a part of it because of the challenge to defeat an opponent or to finish a quest. From how I see it, the game's challenge is to only continue living in the given scenario in real life."
            This has some opinions and it doesn’t go the normal format as “I agree” and then rewording main ideas. It brings in bigger issues and relates to what the majority of people’s perspective on video games.
To improve myself as a writer, I will organize my ideas first my jotting down my ideas on a piece of paper and trying to not get new ideas every time I wrote one down. While writing down ideas, new ideas would mix into the one I am writing down which cause weird sentence to form and confusion in my ideas. After writing down my ideas, I can take notes on the description and organization I might use for the blogs. Being more organize can help me prevent writer’s block because I won’t have any rushing feeling and I would be able to think straight.
My goals for next semester it to revise my blogs more and for my response post, I want to get an idea and then link it to a really unexpected idea. This would stop the repetitiveness and create new ideas for me to write. Although overcoming writer’s block can help me get new ideas, I want to be able to write without having to experience writer’s block. It would be so helpful for me because I wouldn’t have to delete two paragraphs to write a blog post on my new idea.

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