Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttal to Alyssa

In Alyssa's topic about the number of required years of school, her thesis states that, “the number of years of required schooling should be changed - not increased or decreased, but altered so that it fits the students.” She feels that their years of school should be the same as how academically smart they are. this already is confusing because if it can't increase nor decrease, then it can't be alter without change. If it should change, then how can it not decreased or increased. However, she supports her thesis with, 
"However, students are currently being assigned to "grades" based upon their age. They are expected learn at the same pace as the rest of their peers and to graduate to the next "grade" every year - their learning speeds are not taken into account."
This has confusion in it because of the fact that if they are assigned due to how they do well academically, then at what point should they stop going to school. When should they stop learning in order to move into working. learning at the same pace might give comfort to students because there won't be a hue age gap between the students of the same grade.
"This expectation eventually leads to negativity - students begin to compare themselves to their peers and forget to factor in their differing individualities. They feel superior when comparing themselves to less academic peers and inferior when comparing to more academic peers."
 This couldn't support her point well because the students will compare themselves either way, no matter how and where they are put. if it is based on academic level, they would still compare themselves to those who are higher than them and to those who are lower than them. It will increase comparison of students because the system of school year based on academic level can create a huge gap to those of the same age. Having to be in the same grade as someone who is the same age might give comfort to the student rather than being in a grade level with people of different age. The oldest in that class might feel really stupid while the youngest might feel super smart.
    In conclusion, Alyssa have strong points but it is not clear and there are many confusions with her points.

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