Friday, January 28, 2011

Animal Farm

            In “Animal Farm”, George Orwell emphasized how language is important to the pigs that need to persuade the other animals. Language is a tool for communication and in the story, the animals communicate with one another. Major uses his trust from the animals to gain their attention while snowball uses friendliness to gain attention.
            Major is an old pig at the beginning of the story. He is considered wise and intelligent by the animals of Manor farm. Due to his old age, many animals respects him; they were willing to rest a little less just to hear him speak. He already had the trust of the animals so gaining attention from his audience is easier. He used his knowledge to convince the lower animals, “I do not think, comrades, that I shall be with you for many months longer, and before I die, I feel it my duty to pass on to you such wisdom as I have acquired,” (Orwell 28). His tone of wisdom allows the animals to believe everything he said, word per word. Moreover, his respect from the animals gave him more advantage. His language was affective in communicating with the animals because it was during the time when the animals are still suffering from humans. Animals seek change at that time because they couldn't stand suffering but they did not know what to do. During that time, having someone wise and more knowledgeable allows interest from the lower animals and Major's “dream” helped grow curiosity from the lower animals.
            Snowball, on the other hand, who was a young pig in the beginning of the story, could not use the trust from the animals to persuade. He needs to gain it first. He is a pig, who, among a few other pigs, studied the ways of human to plan the rebellion. Snowball is, “ a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more inventive, but not considered to have the same depth of character,”(Orwell 35). He acts as a representative of the lower animals and plan according to the animals' necessity and what they would favor. He and Napoleon debates a lot but he was still able to convince the lower animals. When discussing about the principle of Animalism, Snowball said that four legs are good, and those who stand on two legs are bad. The birds, who stood on two legs disagrees and argues. Snowball, who took into account of the animal's needs said, “A bird's wing … is an organ of propulsion and not of manipulation … the distinguishing mark of man is the hand, the instrument with which he does all his mischief,” (Orwell 51). Snowball's speeches always care about the well being of animals and tries his best to see what benefits the animals. His position is somewhat like a president because he represents the animals' needs, although the other pigs are also doing the same thing. Snowball's idea always gain the majority of the vote.
             Snowball also uses the word “comrade” a lot to convince the lower animals. It is effective because it makes it so that he is equal to the animals and does not possess more power than the animal. Using this, the animals will not see him as a tyrant but as a representative who is the voice of all the animals. His friendliness allows the other animals to trust him and to understand that Snowball can help them by improving their lives in any ways possible; he gains respect slowly from the other animals.
             In conclusion, both Major and Snowball uses different type of language and tone to persuade the lower animals. Major uses a more formal way, somewhat acting like a wise elder trying to lead freedom for all animals while Snowball uses a more friendly approach to gain the trust of his audience.

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