Friday, January 21, 2011

Power Corruption

 In my opinion, I think that those who obtain political power can eventually be corrupted but in the end, it depends on the individual. In history, it's true that many people who obtain power slowly becomes corrupted. An example would be Mao. Once he became the ruler of China, he tortured his own people and ruled with an iron fist. Even if one already holds power, due to human selfishness of wanting more, they would try to obtain stronger power, which is to take over neighboring countries.
Even though people do misuse the power, there are also people who don't. An example would be the George Washington. He led America to freedom from the British Empire, and gain the trust of many Americans. He could've took over and start the rule of tyranny, after all, he had everything he needs: trust of the military. Even though he could've, he didn't. Instead, when war is over, he went back to farming and stayed true to his loyalty in wanting a free America.
It varies from individuals whether or not they will be corrupted. Obtaining too much power can be a bad thing because it is hard to control and it leads to overconfidence. Holding an extreme amount of power is a huge responsibilities because it leads to arrogance and wanting more control.
I think George Orwell might agree with me that there are some people who attains political power can misuse it. When one holds power, they live a luxurious life while others who are less powerful will have to work day and night just to provide a meal.
“Man is the only creature that consumes without producing ... He sets them to work, he gives back to the bare minimum that will prevent from starving, and the rest he keeps to himself,”(Orwell 29).
Human nature itself is cruel. Selfish desire to be better than the rest, to be powerful, and to be the boss of everyone. Tyrants holds power and they misuse it. They live in a luxurious life from all the hard work that thousands of people worked for to provide their families a roof to live under. Having power makes tyrants lazy only wanting to give out order and not work.  

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