Friday, September 24, 2010

This is From Jandi's Blog of Rich And Poor Post:
"Since they can take care of themselves and don't really need their parents, they can live alone and be independent. Rich people on the contrary really need their parents ... easy for them because their parents would have all the money to do everything, the child don't learn how to live by themselves without support of their parents. ... I seem to discover that bring rich isn't really wonderful, but being poor will make u successful. Their similarities will depend who they want to be. The world is rally unpredictable and it depends on your hard work and personalities."
           While reading this post, I have started to agree and disagree with what Shi Yun had said. When she described the rich's attitude, I started asking myself some questions:
- To what extend are the rich and the poor?
- Is she observing this from her view or did she read from things and hear things until she came to this conclusion?
- Are they a billionaire rich and poverty poor?
          These question came up because when she talked about the poor, she made it seem like there are only two class of people: the super rich and the super poor. when she describe those two types of people, the image I got from her writing is that a person can either be rich or poor but cannot be somewhere in the middle.
          Furthermore, I agree with what Shi Yun had said. Living as a poor person is better than living as a rich person. That is because when we are poor, we endure more hardships. We were force to depend on ourselves more because of the lack of money. We also have a closer family bond. Since we are going through the same hardship together, it's better to support each other.
          On the contrary, the rich people always depend on their parents giving them money. They don't work nor do they understand the harsh world that they will have to face in the future. They will complain about every single little things in which other people will find annoying. They will have to alter their behavior and attitude if they want to work in this world and if they don't want any haters. Rich people are always protected in in fantasy world that their parents made for them. Their family relationship isn't so good as well. Yes, the parents might give their child everything they want, but that isn't love. The parents might just give it to the child to make their kids get away from them. It's like bribing their child to be on their own and play with themselves.
          We all have a notion of what the image of rich and poor are and we also know that there are differences between those two life.

1 comment:

  1. I like this fact, I've been following this whole rich-vs.-poor conversation with much interest.

    You used your vocab well, first of all. Move on and try some more!

    Next: are you sure you're not generalizing a bit much when you talk about "the rich" and "the poor" in such broad terms? How much money, for example, does it take to be "rich"?

    Also there were two critical sentences which I could not understand. You asked three questions: the first and third did not make sense to me. What are you asking? Please rewrite those questions...
