Friday, September 17, 2010

Quickwrite: video

           After watching the video on the woman who can change her leg into whatever she wanted, I started to think that she relied too much on to technologies. Yes, it is cool when we can change our legs and make it do anything we want but doesn't that mean we are replacing a part of ourself? Because we are humans, we have limits. To make our life fun, we work our hardest to exceed those limits and create new limits for us to continue exceeding. If we rely on technologies all the time, doesn't that make us cowards who doesn't like ourselves so we change it? 
          Let's say that all of us had the same model for a leg, who's better than the other then? When we are using the same thing? The only time that we are able to see that one is better than the other is if a person have a newer version of it. Half-way watching the video, at the part when they showed the leopard/cheetah legs, a thought came into mind: are we desperate to have the potentials of other animals and are we embarrassed of our own potentials? It's cool to run fast and all, but if we were able to run fast because of a technology, then are we even running? We aren't even trying, the technologies are doing the work for us. I don't think that the human species have evolved just to become a coward that relies on things. we evolve and became intelligent but when we rely too much on something, we won't be able to accomplish anything unless we rely on it again.
          I would not want to upgrade any part of my body. I am happy with what I have and I think that being non-perfect is good. We have something to aim toward and we will use our own strength. We can always challenge ourself and when we are imperfect, we can give challenges to ourself as to what we want to change. If we are completely perfect, then there won't be any challenges; we have nothing we want to improve on.

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