Friday, September 24, 2010

Free Write: My "Best Friend"

          I have notice how much bad luck I have been getting these few days. My three "best friends" are The Sun, Plants, and Bad Luck. These past days, they were very attached to me, especially bad luck. I tried to avoid them but it's inevitable. We are magnets stuck together which is sad for me.
          The first friend is The Sun. It is very mean to me because whenever I want it to be sunny, he (because I don't want to call it an it) always have to hide behind the cloud. Whenever I want the day to be cloudy, he always come out and shines one hundred times more so I am always dead by the end of the day. Those who know me know that I don't like the sun due to my head hurting every time I'm out in the sunlight a lot. Although I he's not really my friend, he is acquainted to Bad Luck.
          Plants, the one I physically like to avoid. I don't go near him so much and yet his function is to get me sneezing and dying because of his pollen. As I have said before, I avoid him as much as I can, but for some reason, I always get pollen on me. How do I know this? It's because bees have been following me around these days. Although they don't follow me at school, on my way home (When I'm exhausted) a bunch of them chased after me so (because of my fantasy of how painful their stings are) I ran as if my life was on the line. 
          Bad Luck has the commission to tell The Sun and Plants to torture me. Bad Luck, so far, had been with me every minute for the past few weeks. The first time I found out I have a friend who would be hanging around next to me for a while was when a squirrel was about to attack me, I tripped when there's nothing on the floor, I bumped into a pole that wasn't there the previous day, things spilling on me, and all the technologies crashing on me but was working perfectly fine when my sisters used it. It all happened on the same day three weeks ago. After that day, more things happened to me or near me. 
          These three tend to work together and create my life of torture. Two of them seem "normal" to most people, but beware, every pretty thing/being have a darker side that they don't reveal. I am now trying to ignore them although it failed because the more I try to ignore them, the more they come to me.


  1. This sounds kinda messed up.....
    But it seems kinda funny too.
    I feel sorry for you Phuong :(

  2. phuong... not only do you have bad luck... but it also contaminates your close friends... -_-

  3. I responded:
