Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Orwell and Egypt

What connections do you see between the revolution Orwell described in Animal Farm and the events in Egypt, Tunisia, Honduras, etc...?
          The revolution that Orwell described in Animal Farm and the evnts in Egypt and many part of Middle East and Africa have many common aspects. one of them is involvement from a third party. In Orwell's book, when the animals are having their revolution, other animals from other farms were listening to the news while the humans were divided with the result of animals overthrowing their farmers. Some humans thought that they needed the farm back while other humans thought that the animals would break within themselves and fight one another. The uprising in the farm caused many humans to look carefully at the situation and divided the humans as to what will happen next. The same thing happened to Egypt. When the uprising started, many other countries were observing the situation, trying to see what will happen. United States involved themselves and since the situation was hard to predict, Americans were divided amongst themselves not knowing what the outcome of Egypt will be.
          Another common relationship with the book and the revolution in Egypt is that it slowly spreads. The news of the uprising spread both in the book and in Egypt. It spreads to other places near the rebellion. In Orwell's rebellion, the news of the animals rebelling in the farm spread all over England and many animals from other farms heard of the news. The same thing was with Egypt. Egypt had many uprising and the uprising inspired many other places to rebel as well. It gave courage to other countries that are suffering from tyranny and dictatorship. There had been many other tiny rebellion from countries who wanted the dictatorship to end and to have a democracy.
          Many of the rebellion that started was caused by people who are sick and tired from being ruled by a cruel tyrant. They are sick and tired of starving while their "leader" are wealthy and healthy. In Animal Farm, the farmers were happily profiting while making the animals work and making food out of the animals. The same thing happened to many of the countries that are now protesting. All the people were starving and don't have any freedom while their leader is profiting from their suffering. Both the rebellion from the animals and the people in Egypt and countries around it are trying to kick their tyrant out and to replace their system of government with democracy.

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